June 14, 2019
The film “Homeless” by directors José Ignacio Navarro, Jorge Campusano, and Santiago O’Ryan, produced by Lunes CineTV and Fábula, tells the story of a trio of beggars, self-marginalized from the system, whose street encampment collapses after cyberterrorist nerds steal all of the money from the world’s bank accounts, leaving the entire population on the street. The beggars decide to recover the money in order to return things to normal and regain their beloved home. The 90-minute dark comedy in digital 2D format was selected as one of 205 finalists out of 3,018 films from 94 countries that applied. The production was funded through CORFO, the CNCA Audiovisual Fund, Ibermedia, and the Development Workshop “Bridging the Gap”.